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Division of Family Practice

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Division of Family Practice

Long-Term Care Initiative

The Victoria and South Island Long-Term Care Initiative (LTCI) launched in 2015, with an emphasis on improving medical care for all residents in care homes, through engaging and supporting physicians to meet the provincial LTCI Best Practice Expectations (BPEs), and facilitating collaborative system change with physicians, care home staff teams, and Island Health.

Who’s Involved in Our Local LTCI? 

The Victoria – South Island LTCI is a collaboration between the Victoria and South Island Divisions of Family Practice, as well as Island Health. Our team includes physicians, Board members, and program staff committed to creating a culture of medical excellence, teamwork, and sustainability for residents in long-term care.

Tools and Resources

  • The Long-Term Care Learning Series provides opportunities for ongoing education and clinical skill development in the field of long-term care. These sessions are available for physicians, nurses, allied health professionals practice in long-term care. Access recorded presentations and resources from previous sessions here. 
  • The Long-Term Care Initiative Best Practice Expectation Toolkit are designed to improve medical care for residents, as well as create positive change in the culture and systems of long-term care. To support physicians and care home teams in meeting the Best Practice Expectations, a toolkit has been created with practical information, templates, and more!
  • Access the Clinical Resource Library, which includes articles, clinical guidelines, and other resources on a variety of LTC-related topics.
  • Are you looking for a research grant or project support? Are you thinking about taking a course or curious about funding opportunities? Browse LTCI offers for improvement projects, meetings, and conferences related tot he Best Practice Expectations.
  • View the practice model overview that is used by the LTCI team to support medical care at all long-term care sites.

To talk to a member of the Victoria – South Island Long-Term Care Initiative team, please call 778-265-3137 or email victoriasouthisland.ltci@victoriadivision.ca.

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