Doctors of BC and the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) have partnered to provide free zoom licenses for family physicians, nurse practitioners, and specialists. Complete the application...
Division Dispatch – August 21, 2024
The Divisions Dispatch is a twice-monthly e-newsletter informing local division members and their staff about important news, policy changes, practice supports, and conferences/events. August 21,...
New province-wide Opioid Treatment Access Line provides same-day access to care
The Province has introduced a telephone-based Opioid Treatment Access Line to streamline access to life-saving medication for opioid-use disorder and facilitate same-day care. Individuals seeking...
What is your preferred specialist referral acknowledgement?
We want to hear from you! In coordination with the Victoria Division of Family Practice, please let us know what you feel would improve specialist referral processes. If you can only receive one...
Urban Locum Program celebrates 9 new grads!
The Urban Locum Program (ULP) is celebrating nine new family physician graduates on its locum team. Are you a host physician with a graduating family physician at your clinic who is a part of the...
Dr. Thomas Bailey Memorial Award – Applications Now Open!
The Dr. Thomas M. Bailey Award was created in honour of Tom Bailey and recognizes some of his greatest qualities: excellence in leadership, care, consideration, and kindness shown to all....
Board of Directors – Call for Nominations Now Open
The time is here! Contribute your voice, leadership, and experience to the South Island Division. Our Board of Directors is looking to fill 3 seats in the upcoming election (term begins November...